Thursday, September 21, 2006

To blog or not to blog... is that a question?

I've been starting a blog for as long as I can remember. Whenever something momentous had happened. Or was about to happen. Or optimistically hoping that something momentous might actually happen because God saw that I was starting a blog. Then there were times when I was starting a blog because I was thinking stuff. I'm hoping that does not count as momentous.

I remember that I was starting a blog when I joined my MBA course so that people outside would know of the life I lead. Unfortunately, I'm not sure even I know what kind of life that is, so I am still starting that blog.

I remember that I was starting a blog when I began my engineering course. I was sure that studying in a local Bangalore college where it was all play and no work would throw up interesting stories. Unfortunately, as long as the stories were interesting, they had me so tied up in them that I forgot to write, and when I thought of writing, the stories had ceased to be interesting. I am still starting that blog.

I remember that I was starting a blog when blogs were invented. Unfortunately, the fact that I didn't invent the blogs myself was a turn-off. Hate jumping on bandwagons, you see. I am still starting that blog, waiting for the bandwagon to derail so that I can be sitting pretty on my tricycle, feeling very happy about myself.

Spot the trend as yet? We can go further back than that, but I don't think it's necessary. I think I know it now - I was made to start a blog. With that realization in place, we have established a motive. The next thing is to establish a scene for the crime. Yup. It's my first trip out of India, and right now I am sitting comfortable in a cosy lil room in Leuven, Belgium. Thinking. Which makes it a healthy mix of momentous and unmomentous. Which is good, because life runs on healthy mixes. A scenario identified. A weapon? Ha. The keyboard, in alliance with the mighty Internet, is more powerful than the mightiest sword or gun or knife or rope or candlestick or leadpipe or what have you. So there we go.

So I was made to start a blog. So I have started a blog. So it's done, there's nothing more for me to live for. I will return to this scene of the crime every day with this weapon and relive the moment with my incessant type type type type type type type type...

May future generations read on and weep.


Blogger Pritesh Jain said...

Good one Pramod!!
Hoping for some interesting stories at this place.

11:41 PM  
Blogger tangled said...


Welcome. Stop by sometime. (this one's my shameless plug)

1:39 AM  

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